From decoration to home and living products and from kitchen and bathroom utensils to offices, it’s time to renew! As the trends of 2023 are being announced, it is now the time to create your own decor story with colours, textures and forms!

Add natural elements to your story
The trends of 2023 nod to nature! Concepts such as “healthy living” and “respect for nature” are importance for many. As this awareness rises, the design world moves in the same direction. In the new season, the connection between healthy living and organic and comfortable materials is strengthened and reflected in designs. Materials such as wool, cotton, clay, velvet and ceramics are among the most preferred for creating a perfect organic environment.

Make room for the newest colours!
Vibrant colours, the popular tones of the recent period, retain their popularity! Attracting consumers’ attention, vivid colours influence both home and office decorations. In addition to green, orange, pink and blue tones, the most striking colour option of 2023 will be lavender! This subtle tone is everywhere, from the fashion world to design trends, bringing the energy of spring and summer to décor stories.

Walls gain movement
In the new season, walls are also gaining momentum with colour and pattern trends. Vintage wallpapers, wall paints in vivid tones and even specially drawn giant murals with artistic value are emerging in 2023. You can complete a design process that reflects your own style in wallpaper patterns or these customized murals.

Personalize your decoration
The trends of 2023 offer perspectives and product variety that cater to personalization in decoration. With stunning patterns, a wide colour scale and modern forms that make a difference, you can tell your own décor story!